Sunday 31 July 2016

Drama korea Terbaru W - Two World

Drama W merupakan sebuah Melodrama fiksi  yang menceritakan Seopul OIbu Kota Korea pada tahun 2016 dan sebuah dimensi lain.
Dalam Drama W para pemainnya termasuk Lee Jong Suk akan merasakan dan hidup di antara realita dan dimensi lain tersebut. Dengan tema Drama yang  unik tersebut tentu banyak fans yang jadi penasaran dengan Drama  Lee Jong Suk dan Han Hyo Joo ini.
Namun sepertinya tak hanya dengan genre  yang unik saja, Drama W nantinya akan  memiliki cerita yang nggak akan diduga oleh para penikmatnya dan  para penontonnya. Bahkan saking menariknya Drama W ini digadang – gadang akan menjadi drama yang paling  sukses pada tahun 2016.
Aktor Pinnochio ini sendiri bakal memerangkan  perannya sebagai Kang Chul, ia merupakan mantan peraih mendali emas Olimpiade dan juga Chaebol berkat usahanya sendiri. Sama dengan sosok lain yang menjadi orang kaya, Lee Jong Suk pun diceritakan sebagai sosok orang yang sangat jenius banget. Sedangkan lawan main Lee Jong Suk yakni Han Hyo Joo bermain sebagai Oh Yeon Joo seorang dokter bedah dan ahli jantung yang sangat baik hati. Tentu perbedaan dua karakter ini akan memberikan  konflik yang tak terduga. Kamu nggak sabar menyaksikan Drama W?

Untuk download drama korea ini kalian bisa download di link berikut ini: ^_^

Thursday 5 May 2016

Langkah-Langkah Membuat Blog

Blog, pasti banyak orang sudah tidak asing lagi dengan kata tersebut. Blog merupakan web yang berisikan berbagai macam informasi dengan berbagai macam topik dan tema.
Bagi sebagian orang blog merupakan salah satu lahan pekerjaan bagi mereka di dunia maya, sebab dengan kita menulis di blog dan memonetize / pasang iklan, blogger dari web tersebut akan mendapatkan fee(bayaran). Namun, kebanyakan orang tidak menyadari bahwa dengan tulisan yang mereka buat bisa menghasilkan uang. Oleh karena itu mereka menggunakan blog hanya untuk tempat curhatan kehidupan/ sesuatu yang tidak penting. Hehehe... (#Pengalaman Pribadi >.<)

Aku mulai belajar ngeblog sejak kelas 1 SMP, sekitar 2008 yang lalu. hingga sekarang ini banyak sekali blog yang aku kelola, hingga akhirnya 2 tahun lalu, aku memutuskan untuk fokus pada satu blog aja karena gak bisa update terus euy... (^_^). Beberapa hari yang lalu salah satu teman dengan inisial "S" minta aku posting langkah-langkah buat Blog.
untuk videonya bisa lihat di --> Lutva's Youtube Channel

langkah-langkah untuk membuat blog yang harus dilakukan yaitu
1. Punya email baik ymail atau Gmail, tapi sebaiknya pakai Gmail ya .
2. masuk ke
3. klik Buat akun di bagian bawah
4. isi semua form pendaftaran.
5. setelah semua sudah selesai klik di bagian kiri buat akun
6. selanjutnya isikan Judul Blog dan link yang akan dipakai, selain itu pilih juga template sesuai selera
 selanjutnya tinggal posting aja apapun yang ingin kalian post. selain itu, untuk memperindah blog bisa juga ditambahkan beberapa Gadjed yang sesuai keinginan dengan mengopikan beberapa URl yang di Google udah banyak banget tuh pilihannya.

oke, i think it's enough hopefully this article useful for you guys. ^_^

Idiom Inggris from the world of transport

There are many idioms from the world of transport. We have chosen some common ones for you to use.
train of thought
A train of thought is a series of connected ideas, just like a line of railway carriages. Sometimes when we’re talking about something really interesting we have a lot we want to say. Then a friend comes to ask if she can borrow a pen. We try to start the conversation again but we can’t remember what we were going to say.
"Dewi interrupted my train of thought. Now I can’t remember what I was going to say!"

put the cart before the horse
To put the cart before the horse means to do things in the wrong order. For example, buying new clothes to wear to a wedding before you get an invitation, or worrying about where you will live in Jakarta before you have the interview for a new job.
"My brother is worried about the food he’ll eat when he goes to Australia, but he hasn’t even applied for his scholarship yet. He’s always putting the cart before the horse!"

ships that pass in the night
Have you ever met someone really interesting who made a big impression on you? We often meet these people only once or twice and don’t ever see them again. We say we are like ships that pass in the night. One day a friend showed me a photograph of a man she met ten years ago.
"I met him at the airport and we talked for two hours until his plane left. I never saw him again but I’ll always remember him. We were like two ships that pass in the night."

in the same boat
To be in the same boat as someone else means that you’re both in the same difficult or unpleasant situation. University students often have a lot of assignments due at the end of the semester and it’s very hard to get them all finished on time. One day I heard two students talking about this.
"I agree, it’s hard to get them all done, but at least we’re all in the same boat."

train of thought - serangkaian ide/pemikiran, put the cart before the horse - salah menempatkan prioritas, ships that pass in the night - kapal yang berpapasan pada waktu malam, in the same boat - dalam situasi yg sama

Monday 2 May 2016

Idiom Inggris

Are there idioms about towns and cities? There sure are! Here are just a few. They are good to know as you will hear them in Australia BUT remember, not everyone uses idioms on a regular basis. In fact, some people may not use idioms like these at all. But the more you know about them the better, agree?

the big smoke
A long time ago country people started calling cities ‘the big smoke’ because of all the smoke produced by factories and by people heating their homes and cooking. It’s possible that indigenous Australians were the first to use this expression because cities were the opposite to what they were familiar with.
'My brother’s gone to the big smoke to look for work.’

a one horse town
This type of town is a very small town that is quiet and where very little happens. There is not much action there and it is a pretty sleepy sort of place.
'I grew up in a one horse town. There was only one grocery store and nothing much to to do in the evening.'
city slicker
This idiom can be used when talking about someone from the city who has sophisticated manners and wears fancy clothing. Generally people who live in ‘one horse towns’ use this idiom to describe people from the ‘big smoke’.

'Did you see that stranger in town today? He is a city slicker for sure and he was driving that sports car too.'

the talk of the town
People often use this idiom to describe something or someone that everyone is talking about. Perhaps something odd has happened or somebody has done something out of the ordinary.

‘Have you heard about the new Mexican restaurant? It’s the talk of the town. The food’s great, but a bit spicy for me, and it’s not expensive. They also have Mexican dancers performing.’

Sources: Kangguru Magazine: 2006